Headcount by sector since 1999 SIC2003

URL: https://opendata.gov.je/dataset/8fde541f-7b65-480d-a7f2-c079be5b0752/resource/fc2e560b-d48e-4535-94be-35e42d6bd63c/download/headcount-by-sector-sic2003.csv

Headcount by sector. Undertakings are classified using the UK Standard Industrial Classification 2003 system. For headcount by sector using the revised SIC 2007 system, see this dataset.

Due to a change in legislation in July 2013, there is a discontinuity in the time series at December 2013. Prior to this point certain, undertakings (predominately in the public sector) were exempt from reporting and therefore excluded from the figures. The undertakings that began reporting under the new legislation allowed for total public sector employment to be calculated. Previously, only core public sector employment was given, which comprises permanent and contract staff employed by the Government of Jersey (previously named the States of Jersey).

The latest reports on jobs and employment can be found here.


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Year numeric
Month text
Return date timestamp
Agriculture and fishing numeric
Manufacturing numeric
Construction and quarrying numeric
Electricity, gas and water numeric
Wholesale and retail trades numeric
Hotels, restaurants and bars numeric
Transport, storage and communication numeric
Computer and related activities numeric
Financial and legal activities numeric
Miscellaneous business activities numeric
Education, health and other services numeric
Private sector total headcount numeric
Public sector core numeric
Public sector numeric
Total headcount numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated April 30, 2024
Metadata last updated October 26, 2018
Created October 26, 2018
Format text/csv
License Open Government Licence – Jersey v1.0
createdover 5 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified4 months ago
on same domainTrue
package id8fde541f-7b65-480d-a7f2-c079be5b0752
revision id7d0f437b-7051-4d97-bdbd-2fccc366b25c
size5.1 KiB
url typeupload